
Verizon Advances Its Fiber Network For AI Workloads Using Ciena's WaveLogic 6, A Next Generation Technology That Allows Data Traveling Across Verizon's Fiber Network To Travel Farther And Faster

Benzinga ·  Nov 25, 2024 21:57

AI, and specifically Generative AI with its ability for predictive analytics, is becoming a critical component of digital transformation and future business growth in almost all industries. Enterprise-grade data networks such as Verizon's will be instrumental in these processes, and Verizon continues to advance its network components to deliver on the promises of AI. In a recent trial in Boston, Verizon moved 1.6 Tb/s of data in its live fiber network on a single-carrier wavelength using Ciena's (NYSE:CIEN) WaveLogic 6 Extreme (WL6e) coherent optical solution. This next generation technology allows data traveling across Verizon's fiber network to travel farther and faster, leading to a better customer experience. In addition, the upgrade to this new equipment will result in higher reliability and significant energy savings in that portion of the fiber network.

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