
美国商务部正敲定向BAE Systems和Rocket Lab提供近6000万美元补贴

The US Department of Commerce is finalizing subsidies of nearly 60 million dollars to BAE Systems and Rocket Lab.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 25, 2024 21:37

According to Reuters on November 25th, the US Department of Commerce stated on Monday that it is finalizing nearly 60 million US dollars in government subsidies to BAE Systems and Rocket Lab. Specifically, the US Department of Defense will provide 35.5 million US dollars to BAE Corp to quadruple its key semiconductor chip production in New Hampshire, these chips will be used for the F-35 fighter jet and commercial satellites. The Department of Commerce said that this investment will shorten the company's planned modernization timeline by half. The Pentagon plans to spend 1.7 trillion US dollars on the F-35 project, including purchasing 2500 aircraft over the next few decades. The US Department of Commerce will also finalize a 23.9 million US dollars investment in SolAero Technologies Corp, a subsidiary of Rocket Lab, to increase the company's solar battery production by 50% over the next three years.

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