

Beijing Easpring Material Technology (300073.SZ): has mass imported major solid state battery customers such as Lishen, Cattle, Weilan, Ganfeng, and achieved vehicle application.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 25, 2024 15:14

On November 25, Gelonghui reported that Beijing Easpring Material Technology (300073.SZ) stated on an investor interaction platform that the company, as a technology leader in the new energy fund cathode material industry, has systematically laid out key technological routes for solid electrolytes such as oxides, sulfides, and bifunctional composite high-energy solid cathode materials. This has resolved the solid-solid interface challenges between the cathode and electrolyte, with the technical performance indicators of relevant solid lithium battery products being at the forefront of the industry. These have been mass-produced and implemented with major solid-state battery customers such as Qingtao, Huineng, Weilan, and Ganfeng. In the future, as the application scenarios of solid-state batteries further mature, it will positively impact the company's performance.

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