
港股异动 | 海昌海洋公园(02255)再跌超11% 被催收逾期贷款6380万元 潜在引入战略投资者

Hong Kong stocks abnormal movement | haichang hldg (02255) fell more than 11% again, overdue loans of 63.8 million yuan being urged for payment, potential introduction of strategic investors.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 25, 2024 11:13

Haichang hldg (02255) fell more than 11% again, reaching HKD 0.385, a new low since August 2021. As of press time, it has dropped 11.24%, reported at HKD 0.395, with a transaction amount of 98.0027 million HKD.

According to Zhitong Finance APP, Haichang hldg (02255) fell more than 11% again, reaching HKD 0.385, a new low since August 2021. As of press time, it has dropped 11.24%, reported at HKD 0.395, with a transaction amount of 98.0027 million HKD.

In terms of news, on November 20, Haichang hldg announced that on November 18, it received a collection notice for overdue loans from a bank, involving debts under the loan contract signed by a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, including a loan principal of RMB 50 million and RMB 13.8034 million in interest due on November 17, 2024. The subsidiary has not repaid the amounts due to all lenders and has been asked to fulfill its repayment obligations immediately.

That evening, the company announced the signing of a non-binding indicative term sheet with an industrial fund, stipulating that the fund intends to subscribe to the company’s issuance of convertible bonds worth USD 0.1 billion. This potential financing is expected to lead to the fund possibly becoming the major shareholder of the company, while introducing new directors and senior management, and establishing a significant strategic partnership concerning the company’s current and future businesses. The proceeds will be used for general corporate capital expenditures and working capital, with a conversion premium higher than the closing price before the suspension.

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