

Swiss voters reject giving landlords more subletting rights

Global market broadcast ·  Nov 25, 2024 02:47

According to the preliminary results of the national referendum held on Sunday, Swiss voters narrowly rejected a legal change that would have given landlords more power to restrict tenants from subletting. The referendum scrutinized the role of Airbnb in the rental market.

Supporters of the amendment passed by the Parliament in 2023 argue that tenants are increasingly subletting through the rental company Airbnb (ABNB.O). Opponents led by a large tenant association rejected the proposal, stating that most Airbnb rentals are done through landlords.

Kathrin Anselm, responsible for Airbnb in Switzerland, told the media earlier this month that the company has no impact on the residential market.

Preliminary results show that 51.6% of voters rejected the subletting amendment, which also applies to commercial property.

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