

Long Hu List丨Five capital players are present in grinm advanced materials, with a total net sell of over 0.1 billion yuan.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 22, 2024 17:19

Grinm Advanced Materials on November 22nd rose by 5.22%, with a turnover of 7.973 billion yuan and a turnover ratio of 41.44%. According to the data from the list of dragons and tigers, individual investors are ranked first in the buying queue; buying 0.154 billion yuan, "Ningbo Sangtan Road" is ranked 5th in the buying queue, with a net purchase of 86.0862 million yuan. "Algo Fund" bought 0.253 billion yuan and sold 88.83 million yuan, with a net selling of 0.164 billion yuan. "Stock trading to support the family" is ranked 4th in the selling queue, with a net selling of 91.848 million yuan; "Wenzhou Gang" is ranked 5th in the selling queue, with a net selling of 87.9641 million yuan. (Grinm Advanced Materials)

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