
BNM Reserves Climb To US$118 Billion In November

Business Today ·  Nov 22, 2024 15:24

Malaysia's international reserves rose to US$118.0 billion (US$1=RM4.46) as of Nov 15, 2024, compared to US$117.6 billion on Oct 30, 2024.

In a statement today, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) noted that the reserves position is sufficient to finance 4.6 months of imports of goods and services. It is also 0.9 times the total short-term external debt.

The reserves include foreign currency reserves amounting to US$105.0 billion, special drawing rights (SDRs) valued at US$5.9 billion, International Monetary Fund reserves totalling US$1.3 billion, gold reserves worth US$3.3 billion, and other reserve assets amounting to US$2.5 billion.

Meanwhile, total assets were recorded at RM591.921 billion. This comprised gold and foreign exchange reserves, including SDRs, at RM484.65 billion, Malaysian government papers (RM12.81 billion), deposits with financial institutions (RM3.32 billion), loans and advances (RM25.89 billion), land and buildings (RM4.57 billion), and other assets (RM59.98 billion).

BNM detailed that total capital and liabilities stood at RM591.21 billion. These included paid-up capital of RM100 million, reserves of RM173.75 billion, currency in circulation worth RM165.72 billion, deposits by financial institutions totalling RM133.87 billion, federal government deposits of RM10.36 billion, other deposits at RM64.29 billion, Bank Negara papers valued at RM11.80 billion, an allocation of SDRs amounting to RM27.22 billion, and other liabilities recorded at RM4.09 billion.

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