
日本森大厦入股摩天大楼One Vanderbilt 纽约中城新地标估值47亿美元

Japan's Mori Building took a stake in the skyscraper One Vanderbilt, the new landmark in Midtown Manhattan, New York, with an estimated value of 4.7 billion US dollars.

Global Market Report ·  Nov 22, 2024 06:55

SL Green Realty Corp. transferred part of its equity in One Vanderbilt to the Japan-based Mori Building Company, and this trade valued the skyscraper near Manhattan's Grand Central Station at 4.7 billion USD.

A statement released on Thursday indicated that Mori Building acquired an 11% stake in the property. SL Green now owns 60% of the building.

bigOne Vanderbilt building in Midtown New York.

The 427-meter tall building was opened in 2020. As one of the newest office buildings in Midtown, it has attracted many well-known financial, technology companies and law firms, including the carlyle group and the toronto-dominion bank. Currently, One Vanderbilt has reached full occupancy.

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