
国银金租(01606)拟收购4架Airbus A321系列飞机及2架Boeing 737系列飞机

cdb leasing (01606) plans to acquire 4 Airbus A321 series aircraft and 2 Boeing 737 series aircraft.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 21, 2024 21:22

Cdb leasing (01606) announced that on November 21, 2024, several wholly-owned subsidiaries of the company...

According to a report from Zhitong Finance APP, cdb leasing (01606) announced that on November 21, 2024, several wholly-owned subsidiaries of the company and the company's wholly-owned subsidiary CDB Aviation Lease Finance DAC (CDBALF) and several wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Buyer”) entered into a sale and purchase agreement with several wholly-owned subsidiaries of Air Lease Corporation (Seller), where the Buyer agreed to acquire 4 Airbus A321 series aircraft and 2 Boeing 737 series aircraft (the trade).

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