
远东发展(00035)发盈警 预期中期股东应占亏损不超过9亿港元 同比盈转亏

Fe Consort Intl (00035) issued a profit warning, expecting a net loss attributable to shareholders in the mid-term not exceeding 0.9 billion Hong Kong dollars, a year-on-year turnaround from profit to loss.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 21, 2024 20:02

FE Consort Intl (00035) announced that the group expects to achieve shareholder losses for the six months ending September 30, 2024...

According to Zhitong Finance APP, FE Consort Intl (00035) announced that the group expects to achieve shareholder losses of no more than 0.9 billion HKD for the six months ending September 30, 2024, compared to a shareholder profit of approximately 0.232 billion HKD for the same period in 2023.

The announcement stated that the losses are mainly due to changes in the fair value of investment properties as well as impairment losses recognized from an associate and a joint venture (which are non-cash in nature) and forex losses.

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