
长安民生物流(01292.HK):有利害关系人士有意提出可能要约 明日复牌

cma logistics (01292.HK): Interested parties intend to propose a possible offer. Resumption of trading tomorrow.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 21, 2024 19:31

On November 21, Glory Times reported that cma logistics (01292.HK) issued an announcement stating that the board of directors has received a letter from interested parties expressing their intention to make a possible offer, subject to conditions precedent.

As the letter does not provide, and the board of directors has not received any evidence to identify or verify the identity and background of interested parties, and to determine or verify if the interested parties have the legal resources to make any genuine offer, the board of directors believes that the possible offer may not be a genuine and/or bona fide offer, partly because the identity of the interested parties has not been verified, and the interested parties have not convinced the board that they have the legal resources to fully implement the possible offer.

In addition, the company has applied to the Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading of shares on the Stock Exchange starting from 9 a.m. on November 22, 2024.

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