
香港航空:正洽購C919客機 明年擬增聘六成員工應對業務增長

Hong Kong Aviation: In the process of purchasing C919 passenger aircraft and plans to increase hiring by 60% next year to cope with business growth.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 21 15:55

The three-runway system at the local airport will be launched next week. Kenny Pau, Chairman of Hong Kong Airlines, believes that it will help increase the number of flights. In addition, with the further opening of the Mainland's travel visa-free policy, it is expected to bring more travelers and transit passengers. The company will increase investment to cooperate and is optimistic about next year's business.

He revealed that Hong Kong Airlines is transforming into an international airlines, re-entering the long-haul market. In the future, they will make good use of the 'airport city' construction and the surrounding air network, deepen cooperation with cities in the Greater Bay Area, and achieve seamless transfers, such as through the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

In addition, he mentioned that this year the fleet has expanded to about 30 aircraft. They are constantly communicating and negotiating with China Commercial Aircraft on the purchase of domestic C919 passenger aircraft. The company has already hired over 600 employees this year, with the current total number of flight crew exceeding 1,200 people. They plan to increase staffing by 60% next year to cope with business growth, with cabin crew expected to nearly double.

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