
宜明昂科-B(01541.HK)拟配售合共3315万股新H股 总筹2.34亿港元

Yiming Anke-B (01541.HK) plans to place a total of 33.15 million new shares listed in hong kong, raising a total of 0.234 billion HKD.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 21, 2024 07:00

Great Wisdom announced on November 21st that Iminen Science-B (01541.HK) issued an announcement. On November 21, 2024, the company entered into a placement agreement with China International Capital Corporation (as the placing agent). Pursuant to this, the placing agent has agreed to act as the company's exclusive placing agent, making its best efforts to ensure that subscribers subscribe for a total of 33.15 million new H shares at a placement price of HK$7.05 per share in accordance with the terms set out in the placement agreement and subject to the conditions set forth therein.

The allocated shares account for approximately 8.86% and 9.50% of the company's issued share capital and total issued H shares respectively as of the date of this announcement, and approximately 8.14% of the issued share capital after the issuance of the placement shares. After deducting the commission for the placement matters (assuming all discretionary expenses have been paid in full) and other related costs and expenses of the placement matters, the total amount of funds received by the company from the placement matters and the estimated net amount of funds received by the company from the placement matters are approximately HK$0.234 billion and approximately HK$0.23 billion, respectively, equivalent to a net placement price of approximately HK$6.93 per share.

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