
UOU's PATAMI For Q3 Slips Marginally To RM48.3 Million

Business Today ·  Nov 20, 2024 23:06

UOA Development Bhd announced its financial results for the third quarter recording revenue at RM141.4 million compared to RM107.0 million in the corresponding quarter of the preceding year, bringing the year-to-date revenue to a total of RM310.8 million compared to RM290.4 million in the preceding year.

The group profit after tax after minority interests ("PATAMI") for the quarter under review was RM48.3 million compared to RM50.9 million in the same period of the preceding year. The revenue and PATAMI were attributed mainly from the progressive recognition of the on-going development projects, namely Aster Hill and Laurel Residence as well as the medical centre in Bangsar South.

New property sales for the period ended 30 September 2024 was at approximately RM789.5 million which were mainly derived from Bamboo Hills Residences, Aster Hill, Duo Tower and Laurel Residence. The total unbilled sales as at 30 September 2024 amounted to approximately RM502.2 million.

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