

Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry (000962.SZ): Ningxia Orient Superconductor mainly produces high-purity superconducting niobium materials and niobium superconducting cavities for the low-temperature superconducting field.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 20, 2024 20:09

On November 20, Glonghui reported that ningxia orient tantalum industry (000962.SZ) stated in its investor relations that ningxia orient superconducting technology co., ltd. mainly produces high-purity superconducting niobium materials and niobium superconducting cavities used in the field of low-temperature superconductivity. Among these, high-purity superconducting niobium materials serve as the primary raw materials in the low-temperature alloy field, such as niobium-titanium alloys used for equipment in nuclear magnetic resonance, controlled nuclear fusion, and other applications; niobium superconducting cavities are mainly applied in large scientific research facilities like particle accelerators, positron-electron colliders, and accelerator-driven transmutation research devices.

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