

Unity GP Hldgs (01539.HK): potential secondary listing on Bursa Malaysia.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 20, 2024 17:31

On November 20, Gelonghui reported that unity gp hldgs (01539.HK) announced that the company has been in discussions with a chief consultant recognized by the Securities Commission of Malaysia regarding the possibility of applying for a secondary listing of its shares on the Malaysian Stock Exchange ("Malaysia Exchange") by way of introduction ("potential listing").

On November 20, 2024, the company has appointed qualified and experienced professionals in Malaysia ("Malaysian professionals") to begin preparation for the potential listing application in accordance with the requirements set by the Securities Commission of Malaysia and the Malaysian Exchange. Further discussions are expected between the company, Malaysian professionals, and the relevant regulatory agencies in the Malaysian capital markets. Regardless of the progress of the potential listing, the company intends to maintain its listing status on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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