

Guangxiang Technology (301213.SZ): The company did not exhibit robot dog products at the aviation exhibition.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 20, 2024 15:29

On November 20, according to Eagle Funds, Guanhua Technology (301213.SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that the company closely follows the national global strategy and focuses on developing the ai industry. Currently, the company's ai technology customizes algorithms and models for different application scenarios, combat environments, and ai capability requirements, implementing battlefield situational awareness, path planning, enemy identification, and intelligent assistance functions on products such as siasun robot&automation, asia vets platform, workstations, tablets, drones, and intelligent D. The main features are miniaturization, specialization, customization, low power consumption, and high reliability. The company will continue to accelerate the development of the ai sector business in the future to enhance the overall competitiveness and market position of the enterprise. The company did not showcase its robotic dog products at the airshow.

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