
11月以来券商调研逾530家上市公司 电子、机械设备两大行业受青睐

Since November, brokerages have surveyed more than 530 listed companies, with the electronics and machinery industries being favored.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 20, 2024 09:04

As of November 20th, 532 A-share listed companies have been surveyed by brokerages, with the consumer electronics and machinery industries being the most favored. Huizhou Desay SV Automotive has received the most frequent visits from brokerage firms, focusing on asia vets cockpits, asia vets driving and connected services. Nacanno North Stock Exchange listed companies have seen a cumulative increase in stock price of 119.41% since November. Brokerages are bullish on opportunities in the consumer electronics and other related industries.

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