
Blackstone Mortgage Trust Announces Quarter-To-Date Update; $1B Of Total Repayments Collected Quarter-To-Date; $400M Of Non-Performing Loan Resolutions Completed Quarter To Date, Bringing Total Year-To-Date Resolutions To $900M; $1B Of Additional...

Benzinga ·  Nov 20, 2024 01:00

Blackstone Mortgage Trust Announces Quarter-To-Date Update; $1B Of Total Repayments Collected Quarter-To-Date; $400M Of Non-Performing Loan Resolutions Completed Quarter To Date, Bringing Total Year-To-Date Resolutions To $900M; $1B Of Additional Non-Performing Loan Resolutions In Closing

Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc. (NYSE:BXMT) today announced strong quarter-to-date progress on repayments and non-performing loan resolutions:

  • $1.0 billion of total repayments1 collected quarter-to-date
  • $0.4 billion of non-performing loan resolutions2 completed quarter to date, bringing total year-to-date resolutions to $0.9 billion
  • $1.0 billion of additional non-performing loan resolutions in closing3
  • Loan resolutions closed or in closing represent over 60% of total non-performing loans as of September 30, 2024, and are at or above carrying values, in aggregate

Katie Keenan, Chief Executive Officer, said, "The ongoing recovery and resurgence in capital markets activity continues to drive strong positive momentum in BXMT's business. We are pleased to deliver these positive outcomes for our investors, which accelerate portfolio turnover with the redeployment of capital in today's attractive investment environment."

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