For the third quarter, YX Precious Metal Berhad recorded a decrease in revenue of RM3.59 million or 6.70% to RM50.01 million as compared to previous year corresponding quarter which the group attributed the decrease to the decrease in revenue from design and manufacture segment as a result of lower gold jewellery volume sold to customers in Peninsular Malaysia.
More significantly, the group's profit before tax decreased by RM1.78 million or 76.26% to RM0.56 million as compared to
previous year corresponding quarter. The decrease it said was due mainly to lower gross profit margin as a result of lower revenue recorded, coupled with higher administrative expenses contributed mainly from the recognition of one-off expenses incurred for the transfer of the listing from the ACE Market to the Main Market of Bursa Securities, which amounted to RM1.10 million.
However, it noted that the decrease in profit before tax was cushioned by fair value gain on derivative amounting to RM0.69 million during the current quarter under review