
电科数字(600850.SH):申威服务器的推广将覆盖互联网、运营商、 金融等行业,相关适配过程正在进行中

Cetc Digital Technology (600850.SH): The promotion of Shenwei servers will cover the internet plus-related, operators, finance and other industries, and the relevant adaptation process is currently underway.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 19, 2024 15:54

CETC Digital Technology (600850.SH) stated on the investor interaction platform on November 19th that the 8A chip of Shenwei servers began mass production in the first half of the year. Huacheng Jinrui, a company in which the company has invested, has completed the development of the entire machine and is currently in the industrialization and promotion stage. From the test results, Shenwei 8A chip outperforms similar products in the market in some performance indicators, and will further enhance ecosystem development. The promotion of Shenwei servers will cover industries such as Internet, operators, and finance, and the relevant adaptation process is currently underway.

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