
港股异动 | 红星美凯龙(01528)回落逾15% 美凯龙A股市净率仅0.33 公司此前宣布资产支持计划

HK Stocks | RS Macalline (01528) fell more than 15%, with P/B ratio of only 0.33 for Macalline A-share. The company previously announced an asset support plan.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 19, 2024 10:14

Rs Macalline (01528) surged 55% at one point during yesterday's trading, closing up 34% on the same day. The stock fell more than 15% today, dropping 15% by the time of publication to HK$2.04, with a turnover of 0.109 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Financial media app Zhitong learned that Rs Macalline (01528) surged 55% at one point during yesterday's trading, closing up 34% on the same day. The stock fell more than 15% today, dropping 15% by the time of publication to HK$2.04, with a turnover of 0.109 billion Hong Kong dollars.

On the news front, the China Securities Co.,Ltd. recently released market cap management guidelines. China Securities Co.,Ltd. pointed out that the release and implementation of the market cap management guidelines will have a positive impact on the long-standing underperformance of listed companies in the construction and decoration industry. The introduction of market cap management guidelines will guide companies to enhance their own value through means such as increasing stake & buy back, capital operations, dividends, etc., aiming for a valuation return to 1XPB. Data shows that the pb ratio of Red Star Macalline's A-shares is only 0.33.

In addition, on the evening of November 8th, Red Star Macalline announced its intention to collectively use its Beijing Zun MALL property assets and the Red Star Macalline Building Materials and Home Furnishings Life Mall in Yantai, Shandong Province as underlying assets. This will be done through raising funds from qualified investors and establishing an asset support plan, with an issue size not exceeding 2.75 billion yuan and a term not exceeding 18 years. Public data shows that both underlying assets have been running losses since last year.

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