

A-share unusual movement | Risk warning, fanli digital technology hits the limit down, previously traded at the limit up for 4 days.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 19, 2024 09:52

Guolonghui, November 19 | Previously, fanli digital technology (600228.SH), which had gained 3 circuit breakers in 4 days, today hit the limit down at 6.9 yuan, with a total market value of less than 3 billion yuan. The company announced an unusual fluctuation yesterday, stating that factors such as the competitive landscape of the industry, changes in the upstream market, the company's investment in traditional business operations, and the company's advertising revenue recovery not meeting expectations have had corresponding impacts on the company's production operation, leading to certain competitive pressures. There are risks of performance uncertainty or fluctuations for the entire year of 2024. (Guolonghui)

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