
恒泰裕集团(08081)不再拥有Dynamic Indonesia任何股权

hang tai yue gp (08081) no longer holds any equity in Dynamic Indonesia.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 18, 2024 22:14

hang tai yue gp (08081) announced that on August 30, 2024, its wholly-owned subsidiary, the second ...

According to the announcement by hang tai yue gp (08081) on the zhimedia finance APP, on August 30, 2024, its wholly-owned subsidiary, the second subscriber, exercised put options. Therefore, on the options completion date, the second subscriber sold 0.0102 million option shares (approximately 40.8% of the issued shares of Dynamic Indonesia) and shareholder loans totaling 2.05 million USD (equivalent to 15.99 million HKD) to the grantor, who then issued convertible bonds to Century Harvest, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, for settlement. After the options completion, this group no longer holds any equity in Dynamic Indonesia (excluding those held through its interests in CGI).

On August 30, 2024, according to the terms and conditions of the convertible bonds, upon the effectiveness of the CGI merger, the convertible bonds automatically convert into shares of the grantor at the conversion price, therefore, 0.773 million shares of the grantor were distributed and issued to Century Harvest. On August 30, 2024, the automatic conversion of the convertible bonds constitutes this group's acquisition of the grantor's interest. On August 30, 2024, 0.773 million shares of the grantor represent approximately 1.26% of the total issued grantor shares.

After the effective date of the CGI merger (i.e., August 30, 2024), the 0.6957 million shares of the grantor held by Century Harvest have been converted into 0.4526 million CGI shares based on the conversion ratio in the CGI business merger agreement (approximately 0.97% of the total issued CGI shares). This conversion resulted in the sale of the group's interest in the grantor (i.e., grantor sale transaction) and the group's acquisition of interests in CGI (i.e., CGI acquisition transaction).

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