

Zhejiangexpress (00576): The shareholding ratio of the controlling shareholder, zheshang, of Sanshan Express has been diluted to 48.4911% due to the conversion of convertible bonds.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 18, 2024 21:36

Zhejiang express (00576) announced that the Zhejiang 22 convertible bonds will be effective from December 20, 2022...

According to Zhuhong Finance APP, Zhejiang express (00576) announced that the Zhejiang 22 convertible bonds can be converted into company shares starting from December 20, 2022, and as of November 8, 2024, the number of shares held by Zheshang securities' controlling shareholder, Zhejiang Shangsan Expressway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shangsan Expressway"), remains unchanged, with the shareholding ratio diluted passively from 54.7894% before the issuance of the convertible bonds to 49.5787%.

As of November 15, 2024, the cumulative shares formed from the conversion of the convertible bonds amount to approximately 0.504 billion shares, increasing the total number of Zheshang securities shares to approximately 4.382 billion shares, while the number of shares held by Shangsan Expressway remains unchanged at approximately 2.125 billion shares, and the shareholding ratio decreases from 49.5787% to 48.4911%, experiencing a passive dilution of 1.0875%.

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