

China comm cons (01800.HK): Redemption of 1 billion US dollars of subordinated guaranteed perpetual securities.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 18, 2024 17:23

On November 18, Glonghui announced that china comm cons (01800.HK) stated that in accordance with the terms and conditions of the issuer's issuance of 1 billion USD subordinated guaranteed perpetual securities ("securities"), condition 5(b) (issuer's option to redeem) has issued a redemption notice today to redeem all securities on December 19, 2024 at par value (along with accrued but unpaid coupon interest up to the redemption date (but excluding that date)).

As of the announcement date, the outstanding principal amount of the securities is 1 billion USD. After the redemption is completed on the redemption date, there will be no other issued securities. Therefore, the issuer will apply to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited for the withdrawal of the securities listing.

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