
港股异动 | 汽车之家-S(02518)早盘涨超4% 新能源新零售模式相关收入有望加速放量

HK stock market anomaly | Autohome-S (02518) morning session rose more than 4%, new energy fund new retail model related revenue is expected to accelerate volume.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 18, 2024 10:24

Autohome-S (02518) rose over 4% in early trading, as of the report, it has increased by 4.53%, priced at 54.2 Hong Kong dollars.

According to Zhitong Finance APP, Autohome-S (02518) rose over 4% in early trading, as of the report, it has increased by 4.53%, priced at 54.2 Hong Kong dollars.

In terms of news, Autohome previously released its financial results for the third quarter of 2024. The announcement showed that the company's total revenue for the third quarter is 1.77 billion yuan, with online marketing and other business income growing by 3.1% year-on-year, and its share of revenue continuing to increase; revenue from new energy brand sales continued to grow in the third quarter, with a year-on-year growth rate of 54%, continuously outperforming the industry's sales growth rate; the company's adjusted net income is 0.497 billion yuan.

CITIC pointed out that Autohome's new retail space station "Satellite Program" was fully implemented in the third quarter, and over 50 space stations and satellite franchise stores have been established nationwide, with initial scale in channel development. Through close cooperation with these space stations and satellite stores, the company has built an efficient network channel, achieving resource sharing and complementary advantages. The firm expects that with the rapid expansion of new energy space stations, the relevant income from the company’s new energy new retail model is expected to accelerate.

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