
港股异动 | 百利大(00495)一度暴跌超50% 拟申请覆核上市科暂停公司股份买卖决定

Hong Kong stock market movement | Paladin (00495) once plummeted over 50% and plans to apply for a review of the decision to suspend trading of the company's shares.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 18, 2024 09:44

Paladin (00495) once plummeted by over 50%, as of the time of drafting, it dropped by 45.83%, closing at HKD 0.026, with a turnover of HKD 0.2638 million.

According to the Zhìtōng Finance APP, Paladin (00495) once plummeted by over 50%, as of the time of drafting, it dropped by 45.83%, closing at HKD 0.026, with a turnover of HKD 0.2638 million.

On the news front, Paladin announced that last Friday (the 15th), it received a letter from the Stock Exchange Listing Committee, including the decision that the company failed to maintain the sufficient operational level and value of assets as stipulated in Rule 13.24 of the Listing Rules, and the company's shares are to be suspended from trading in accordance with Rule 6.01(3) of the Listing Rules. The Listing Committee has stated that unless the company applies for a review of the decision under Chapter 2B of the Listing Rules, the trading of the company's shares will be suspended on November 27.

According to Rule 6.01A(1) of the Listing Rules, if a company's shares remain suspended for 18 months, the Stock Exchange may cancel its listing status. Under Chapter 2B of the Listing Rules, the company has the right to request the Listing Committee to review the decision of the Listing Committee. Any review request must be submitted to the Secretary of the Listing Committee within 7 business days from November 15, 2024. The company plans to apply for this review.

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