On November 15, 2023, during a specific investigation with designated parties, Yongshuntai (001338.SZ) stated that starting in December 2023, the Red Sea crisis would force global marine transportation logistics to reroute around the Cape of Good Hope, resulting in cargo shipping cycles on the Asia-Europe route being delayed by approximately 7-15 days, creating fluctuations in marine freight prices while also reducing the number of available ships. The company primarily uses imported barley as raw materials, mainly sourced from countries such as Australia, Canada, France, and Argentina. As the Asia-Europe route is affected, the company is responding by increasing procurement from other regions and reducing barley procurement from europe. Overall, the impact of the Red Sea crisis on the company's transportation costs and timing is manageable.
Yongshuntai (001338.SZ): The impact of the Red Sea crisis on the company's transportation costs and time is controllable.
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