
《大行》富瑞首予新創建(00659.HK)「買入」評級 目標價11元

Futu initiates coverage on Techcompany (00659.HK) with a 'buy' rating and a target price of 11 yuan.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 14, 2024 13:51

Furui's report states that after years of restructuring, Chong Kin (00659.HK) now regards insurance, roads, logistics, construction, and facility management as its core pillars. After separating from New World Dev, Chong Kin has greater autonomy and financial flexibility. It is given a "buy" rating with a target price of 11 yuan.

The report indicates that currently, the road business is the largest segment business within the group, followed by the insurance business. However, due to the rapid growth nature of the insurance business, the bank expects that by the 2030 fiscal year, the insurance business will account for half of the group's total operating profit.

In addition, in the previous performance report, Chong Kin announced a name change to Chow Tai Fook Creation, while Futong Insurance was renamed as Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance earlier, indicating direct support from the parent company and the potential to drive synergies throughout the entire Chow Tai Fook ecosystem.

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