

Some directors and executives of wuhan p&s information technology (300184.SZ) have completed a 1.04% shareholding reduction.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 13, 2024 20:14

Wuhan P&S Information Technology (300184.SZ) announced that the company's director and senior management personnel Wang Xiaodong, and senior management personnel Liu Chang...

According to Zhitong Finance APP, Wuhan P&S Information Technology (300184.SZ) announced that the company's director and senior management personnel Wang Xiaodong, senior management personnel Liu Changbai, and the concerted action person of the controlling shareholder Gao Huiyi collectively reduced their shareholding by 12.0101 million shares, accounting for 1.04% of the total share capital. As of the date of this announcement, the shareholding reduction plan of Liu Changbai and Gao Huiyi has been completed; Wang Xiaodong has decided to terminate this shareholding reduction plan early.

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