
區院押後三宗涉上市公司「唱高散貨」案至明年3月下旬 19名被告獲准有條件保釋

The court postponed three cases involving the 'pump and dump' scheme of listed companies to late March next year. Nineteen defendants were granted bail with conditions.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 13, 2024 09:12

The Securities and Futures Commission announced that, following a previous joint investigation with the police, 19 defendants in three large and well-organized 'pump and dump' cases were interrogated in the district court yesterday (12th), accused of committing securities fraud and money laundering related to shares of three listed companies. The three listed companies are Eggriculture (08609.HK), Fullwealth Construction Holdings (now known as Fullwealth Holdings) (01034.HK), and KNT Holdings (01025.HK).

The Securities and Futures Commission stated that the defendants did not need to plead during yesterday's hearing, and the case has been adjourned until March 25 next year. The court also granted bail to the defendants under certain conditions.

In addition, in the case involving KNT Holdings, the district court earlier approved the Department of Justice's application to consolidate this case with another case previously transferred by the Eastern Magistrates' Courts, involving a case of the same group's alleged key member.

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