
聚焦农副产品加工业务 朗源股份(300175.SZ)拟出售德蓝达100%股权

Focus on the agricultural and sideline products processing business, lontrue co.,ltd. (300175.SZ) intends to sell 100% equity of Delanda.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 12, 2024 18:24

lontrue co.,ltd. (300175.SZ) announced that the company has entered into an agreement with Shanxi Jiafeng Communication Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Shanxi Jiafeng"...)

According to the report from Zhitong Finance APP, lontrue co.,ltd. (300175.SZ) announced that the company has signed the "Share and Debt Transfer Agreement between lontrue co.,ltd. and Shanxi Jiafeng Communication Technology Co., Ltd. regarding Taiyuan Delanda Technology Co., Ltd." The company will sell its 100% equity in Taiyuan Delanda Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Delanda") along with the accounts receivable dividends and principal of loans owed by Delanda to Shanxi Jiafeng, with a transaction price of 0.11 billion RMB. After this transaction is completed, Delanda will no longer be included in the company's consolidated financial statements. This sale aims to integrate and optimize asset structure and resource allocation, and to raise funds to focus on the processing business of agricultural and sideline products.

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