

Zero Number (301169.SZ): Intends to change the use of part of the funds raised and use part of the funds raised to increase capital to wholly-owned subsidiaries.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 12 20:45

Guolonghui announced on November 12th that the company plans to use the unspent raised funds from the original "Knowledge Spectrum" project of 138.6927 million yuan (including interest, cash management income, the specific amount subject to the actual balance of the project special fund at the time of actual transfer) to invest in two new projects: the "Acquisition of Part of the Equity and Capital Increase Project of Haiyi Zhi Information Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd." and the "Knowledge Enrichment Smart Engine Project".

The company plans to use 63.05 million yuan of raised funds to increase its capital to its wholly-owned subsidiary, Peking Zero Point Far Vision Network Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Zero Point Far Vision"), for the implementation of the "Acquisition of Part of the Equity and Capital Increase Project of Haiyi Zhi Information Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd." Out of this amount, 41.14 million yuan will be used to acquire 32.49% equity of Haiyi Zhi Information Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Haiyi Zhi" or the "target company"), and 21.91 million yuan will be used to increase the capital of Haiyi Zhi. After the equity transfer and capital increase, Zero Point Far Vision will hold 55% of Haiyi Zhi's equity.

The company plans to invest 70.807 million yuan of raised funds in the new investment project "Knowledge Enhancement Smart Engine Project." After investing the remaining raised funds from the original "Knowledge Spectrum" project into two new investment projects, it is estimated that there will be a remaining raised fund of 4.8357 million yuan (the specific amount subject to the actual balance of the project special fund at the time of actual transfer), to permanently supplement working capital for production and operational activities related to the company's main business.

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