

Change in content related to the acquisition of fixed assets (construction of Building No. 4 at the Kounosu Research Center).

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 12 14:05

Seed <7743> announced on the 11th that it will change details relating to the acquisition of fixed assets (construction of Konosu Research Institute Building 4) announced on 2/7.

The company is currently proceeding with plans to build Building 4, continuing with the extension of Building 2 Annex (maximum monthly production of 7 million sheets) completed in April.

According to the first phase plan for Building 4, it was planned to increase production by 10 million sheets per month. This time, the number of sheets produced per month was changed to 14 million sheets in order to establish a stable supply of products and realize future growth strategies. Additionally, the total planned investment amount increased from 13.1 billion yen to 17.3 billion yen due to strengthening processing capacity and reviewing equipment specifications, etc. to respond to increased room for future expansion and diversification of manufacturing products. As for the construction period, the start of construction was changed from August to November, and completion will not change in 2026/1. The construction area was changed from approximately 5,300 square meters to 5,625.93 square meters, and the total floor area was changed from approximately 16,700 square meters to 15,018.60 square meters.

With the completion of the first phase plan for Building 4, it is planned that the maximum number of sheets produced per month will be raised from the current 65 million sheets to 79 million sheets. The company will continue to strive to improve market competitiveness and corporate value.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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