

Prinx Chengshan (01809.HK): The US Department of Commerce has confirmed that the final dumping rate of its Thai subsidiary is 12.33%.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 12, 2024 12:04

Prinx Chengshan (01809.HK) announced that it has recently learned that the final dumping rate imposed by the US Department of Commerce on its wholly-owned subsidiary Prinx Chengshan Tire (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is 12.33%.

Prinx Chengshan stated that although the final affirmative ruling of the US International Trade Commission is expected to be issued on the 25th of this month and an order will be issued on December 2 this year, the US International Trade Commission has determined that a US industry has suffered significant harm from truck and bus tires imported from Thailand, which the US Department of Commerce has found to be sold in the United States below fair value.

As of the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, Prinx Chengshan's revenue from the production and export of all-steel radial tires (for trucks and buses) at its tire manufacturing base in Thailand destined for the USA, subject to anti-dumping duties, accounts for less than 5% of the group's total revenue.

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