
中基長壽科學(00767.HK)附屬授出3,000萬元循環貸款 年息10%

zhong ji ls (00767.HK) subsidiary granted a 30 million yuan revolving loan with an annual interest rate of 10%.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 12, 2024 09:18

zhong ji ls (00767.HK) announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Baoxin, entered into a 2025 revolving loan agreement with Hong Kong Zhongji 1, Asia Comprehensive, International Medical, Longevity Medical, and Yanli on the 11th of yesterday.

According to the loan agreement, zhong ji ls agreed to grant a maximum of 30 million yuan 2025 revolving loan to Hong Kong Zhongji 1, Asia Comprehensive, International Medical, and Longevity Medical. Interest will accumulate at 10% per year on the outstanding principal amount of the 2025 revolving loan from the effective date until December 31, 2027. (js / k)


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