
Babcock & Wilcox Partners With Swedish Plant, Aiming to Cut 400,000 Tonnes of CO2

Benzinga ·  Nov 11, 2024 06:33

Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) (NYSE:BW) announced today that it has been awarded a contract to conduct a full-scale feasibility study of its SolveBright carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology to be integrated into Mälarenergi AB's waste-to-energy plant in Västerås, Sweden.

Mälarenergi's goal is to capture 400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, permanently store the CO2 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2035.

B&W's SolveBright scrubbing system is a post-combustion carbon capture technology that absorbs CO2 directly from a plant's flue gas in an absorber using a regenerable solvent.

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