

TKP---Basic agreement signed with a-reit etf company and APAMAN to transfer the rental office business.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 11, 2024 17:16

TKP <3479> has signed a basic agreement with System Soft and APAMAN for the transfer of the rental office business "fabbit". "fabbit" operates rental offices, shared offices, coworking spaces, virtual offices, meeting rooms, event spaces, and franchises at approximately 20 locations domestically and overseas (overseas: Hawaii, Bangkok). In the future, they plan to integrate "fabbit" into all of the company's meeting rooms nationwide, use the company's meeting rooms as lounges for "fabbit" members when traveling, and make them available at member prices. The goal is to expand to 100 stores early on.

The company is the largest provider of hourly rental meeting rooms and event halls domestically, catering to the needs of approximately 30,000 annual customers. By adding the rental office business, they will be able to support economic activities of all types of companies, from large enterprises to small and startup companies, in various ways, including meeting temporary office space needs.

The final contract signing date is December 31, 2024, and the business transfer date is scheduled for February 28, 2025.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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