

picc group (01339) appointed Ding Xiangqun as an executive director and chairman of the board.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 8 18:40

picc group (01339) announced that, according to the resolution passed by the board of directors, Ms. Ding Xiangqun was appointed as a director of the company...

According to the announcement from China picc group (01339), Ms. Ding Xiangqun has been appointed as an executive director and chairman of the fifth board of directors of the company, with her term of office starting from the date of her election as an executive director by the shareholders' meeting and upon obtaining qualifications approved by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, until the expiration of the term of the fifth board of directors of the company, with the possibility of reelection. According to the company's articles of association, the director of the board's Strategic and Investment Committee is appointed by the chairman. After the qualification for Ding Xiangqun's chairman position is approved by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, she will serve as the director of the board's Strategic and Investment Committee.

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