

Inner Mongolia Yuan Xing Energy (000683.SZ): Company executives and their relatives did not participate in pure alkali futures trading.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 7, 2024 15:36

GeLongHui, November 7th - Inner Mongolia Yuan Xing Energy (000683.SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that company executives and their relatives did not participate in soda ash futures trading. The company reasonably arranges the production and sales plan of soda ash based on market demand, existing production capacity layout, and other factors. Currently, the company's soda ash product production and sales are basically balanced. In the future, the company will ensure customer demand, deepen customer cooperation, mitigate the impact of market price fluctuations on company profits by strengthening internal management, optimizing product structure, improving customer service quality, timely adjusting marketing strategies, and innovating marketing methods.

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