
KKB Receives 2 LOA and 1 PO Worth RM93 Million

Business Today ·  Nov 7, 2024 13:34

KKB Engineering Bhd has received two letters of award (LOA) and one purchasing order (PO) with a total contract value of RM93 million.

In a filing to Bursa Malaysia, KKB said the first letter of award is from Petroleum Sarawak Bhd (Petros) for the re-conditioning, re-qualification and re-painting of liquefied petroleum gas cylinders. The LOA is for a duration of three years and it is valid until the third quarter of 2027.

The second LOA is from Bina Puri Builder Sdn Bhd for the proposed Serian Regional Water Supply Phase II (Stage 1) which is expected to be completed within 24 months.

Lastly, the PO which KKB received is for the supply of MSCL Pipes and Specials to Greenchain Capital Sdn Bhd for 12 months.

All LOAs and PO are expected to contribute positively towards the earnings and net assets of the company for the duration of the contracts/supply period.

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