

MTG continues to rise, upwardly revising its full-year financial estimates for the fiscal year ending September 2024.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 7, 2024 12:07

Extended gains. Following the close of trading on the 6th, it was announced that the full-year financial estimates for the fiscal year ending September 2024 have been revised upward, which is being viewed as positive news. The revenue is expected to be 71.8 billion yen (an increase of 7.2%), and the gross profit is expected to be 4.3 billion yen (an increase of 26.5%). Regarding revenue, sales of the ReFa brand, especially in the hair care series, continue to perform well. Furthermore, on the profit side, in addition to the increase in revenue leading to an increase in gross profit, it is anticipated that the forecast will exceed the previous one due to the impact of exchange rate gains, among other factors.

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