
金龙鱼(300999):业绩延续承压 厨房食品边际改善

Arowana (300999): Performance continues to be under pressure, marginal improvement in kitchen food

Huaxin Securities ·  Nov 6, 2024 15:02

On October 30, 2024, Arowana released its report for the third quarter of 2024.

Key investment points

Revenue declined due to volume increases and price declines, and profit performance is under relative pressure

In 2024Q1-Q3, the company achieved revenue of 175.454 billion yuan (same decrease of 7%), net profit to mother of 1.431 billion yuan (same decrease of 33%), and net profit not attributable to mother of 0.238 billion yuan (same decrease of 74%). Among them, the 2024Q3 company's revenue was 65.976 billion yuan (same decrease of 5%), mainly due to the impact of falling product prices exceeding the contribution of sales growth. Prices of major products declined as the price of soybeans and soybean oil fell. Overall sales volume increased year-on-year. Net profit to mother was 0.334 billion yuan (same decrease of 71%), net profit not attributable to mother was 0.078 billion yuan (same decrease of 91%). On the profit side, 2024Q3's gross margin decreased by 1 pct to 4.87%, the sales/management expenses ratio increased 0.3 pct/0.2 pct to 2.54%/1.44%, respectively, and the net margin decreased by 1 pct to 0.50%.

Kitchen food improved month-on-month, and the pressing business continued to improve

Kitchen food sales remained flat year on year in 2024Q3, and profits increased year on year, mainly due to increased demand for condiments, daily chemicals, etc. Catering channels grew steadily, and C-side e-commerce channels maintained good growth. Modern channels and large store closures had an impact on the market. Now the trend is gradually stabilizing, and distributors and special channels are relatively stable. Since late August, sales prices of products such as soybean oil and vegetable oil have rebounded, and the company's gross profit from catering and food industry channel products has risen. At the same time, the performance of the flour business improved markedly compared to the first half of the year. Sales of feed raw materials and oil technology products increased year-on-year in 2024Q3, mainly due to the company's obvious advantages in feed raw material sales channels and raw material procurement, but the performance of pressing profits was poor, which led to a significant decline in the overall performance of the sector.

Profit forecasting

As a leading kitchen food company, revenue is pressured by fluctuations in raw material costs in the short term, but product sales are still rising steadily, and they are using supply chain advantages to explore a new blue ocean for central chefs. They are optimistic that the decline in the company's channels will bring room for scale growth. As market demand picks up, performance is expected to recover further. According to the three-quarter report, we adjusted the 2024-2026 EPS to 0.43/0.54/0.66 yuan (previous value was 0.57/0.71/0.84 yuan), and the current stock price corresponding PE was 80/63/52 times, respectively, maintaining a “buy” investment rating.

Risk warning

The risk of macroeconomic fluctuations, the risk of changes in industry policies, consumption recovery falling short of expectations, fluctuations in downstream demand, fluctuations in raw material prices, etc.

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