
大行评级|里昂:券商股中短期偏好中国银河 长期首选仍是港交所

Large-scale rating | Credit Suisse: Brokerage stocks prefer china galaxy in the short to medium term, with Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing still the top choice in the long term.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 6, 2024 10:58  · Ratings

November 6th by Grunt | Lyon released a report stating that mainland brokerage stocks tracked by it delivered a bright performance in the third quarter. Apart from Haitong Securities, due to strong investment income, overall net profit growth exceeded expectations, mainly driven by the rebound in the stock market in September and bond investment income. On average, the third-quarter brokerage income of mainland brokerage stocks decreased by 9% quarterly and 14% annually, due to the decline in commission rates and weak market activity from July to August. However, it is expected that under the promotion of the continuous growth in A-share trading volume, brokerage income in the fourth quarter will pick up. The bank indicated a short-term preference for China Galaxy, with long-term preference still being Hong Kong Exchange.

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