
研报掘金|中金:上调吉利汽车目标价至18.6港元 10月销售量创历史新高

Research reports|CICC: Geely Auto's target price raised to HK$18.6, October sales volume hits a record high.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 6, 2024 10:53  · Ratings

Gelonghui on November 6th: CICC released a report stating that Geely Auto's sales volume in October hit a record high, while the new car production platform EM-I is about to increase production capacity. Considering the company's strong new car cycle and the industry's rising valuation, the target price is raised by 37.4% to HK$18.6, maintaining its 'outperform' rating. CICC stated that due to the improvement in profitability in Geely's electric vehicles sector, the company's profit forecast for the next two years is raised by 3.3% and 15.4% respectively, reaching 16 billion yuan and 11 billion yuan.

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