
《內房》中山市擬全面放開購房入戶政策 連續居住半年即可申請落戶

In Nefang, Zhongshan City plans to fully open the purchase and settlement policy. You can apply for settlement after living continuously for six months.

AASTOCKS ·  08:19

The Public Security Bureau of Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province has announced the solicitation of public opinions on the "Regulations on Registration of Residence Relocation in Zhongshan City (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)". The draft contains a total of 17 articles, with the fifth article fully opening and relaxing the entry of legally stable residents for employment.

According to the regulations, non-registered residents of Zhongshan who hold real estate in Zhongshan or have participated in social insurance in Zhongshan and have continuously resided for more than six months will be eligible to apply for household registration in Zhongshan. Spouses, children, and parents can move with them. For those who own their own housing, the household registration will be in their own legally owned residential property; for those without their own housing, the household registration will be in the collective households of the employing unit or the collective households of the local community committee where they are insured.

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