

zhejiangexpress (00576.HK) subsidiary ZhaJiaSu signed a construction agreement with JGJY and JG underground works.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 5, 2024 22:16

GrainTonghui November 5th | zhejiangexpress express (00576.HK) announced that on November 5, 2024, the company's non-wholly-owned subsidiary Zha Jiasu Company entered into a construction agreement with Jiaogong Jinzhu and Jiaogong Underground Engineering (hereinafter referred to as the consortium, as the contractor). According to the construction agreement, the consortium agrees to undertake the renovation and expansion construction of Section SG01 of the Zha Jiasu Expressway (Nanhu Interchange to Zhejiang-Suzhou section).

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