
英国拟逐步禁售烟草 强化户外禁烟规定

United Kingdom plans to gradually ban tobacco sales and strengthen outdoor smoking bans.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 5, 2024 14:25

The united kingdom will introduce landmark legislation to gradually phase out the sale of tobacco products, creating the first "smoke-free generation", while the draft law also strengthens regulations on smoking bans in some outdoor areas.

Finance and Economics APP learned that the united kingdom will introduce landmark legislation to gradually phase out the sale of tobacco products, creating the first "smoke-free generation", while the draft law also strengthens regulations on smoking bans in some outdoor areas.

The united kingdom government announced that the Tobacco and Vaping Products Bill will be submitted to Parliament on Tuesday. The bill will include bans on smoking outside children's playgrounds, schools, and hospitals, as well as prohibitions on electronic cigarette advertising and sponsorships. Starting this year, the ban on tobacco product sales will apply to children aged 15 and under. The bill will also limit the flavors and packaging of electronic cigarettes to reduce their appeal to young people.

The Labour government led by Prime Minister Starmer of the united kingdom chose to support a plan initially proposed by former Conservative Prime Minister Sunak. Sunak had stated that the United Kingdom would raise the legal age to buy cigarettes by one year annually, eventually leading to a complete ban on cigarette sales. This idea was dropped when he announced the election, and the Conservative Party was defeated in this election. However, the newly elected Labour government pledged in July to reinstate the plan and outlined its legislative agenda.

The united kingdom government stated that under separate legislation, disposable electronic cigarettes will also be banned from June 2025.

Health Secretary Wes Strein of the united kingdom stated in a declaration: "If we do not take action to help people stay healthy, the increasingly serious health issues in society will threaten the operation of the national health service, even leading to its bankruptcy. Prevention is better than cure."

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