
A股异动 | 广田集团逼近涨停 Q3新签合同6.83亿元

Stock market anomaly | Guangda Group approaches the daily limit, Q3 new signed contracts amounting to 0.683 billion yuan

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 5, 2024 11:11

Gelonghui November 5th | Guangda Group (002482.SZ) quickly surged near the daily limit in midday trading, now at 1.93 yuan, with a total market value of 7.24 billion yuan. In terms of news, although the company announced a loss in the third quarter, the performance has shown a clear trend of improvement since the fourth quarter of last year. In the third quarter of this year, the company's new signed order amount was 0.683 billion yuan, with a total signed but unfinished order amount of 1.054 billion yuan, and a bid but not yet signed order amount of 0.361 billion yuan, showing a significant improvement in company business data compared to last year. (Gelonghui)

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